Why you might need support

Most of our Human Resources Management work is business-as-usual:-

  • recruitment and selection
  • salaries and payroll
  • disciplinary and grievance
  • learning and development
  • restructuring and redundancy

Then along comes an HR project:-

  • identify, implement and supervise an HRIS (Human Resources Information System) - the new HR database
  • review policies and procedures and make them accessible on-line through the intranet or on a company website
  • introduce e-learning and a Learning Management System

Suddenly it's as much about project management and IT systems as Human Resources Management - and yet you have to get on with the day job.

The best single piece of advice is: appoint a Project Manager for any HR Project.  It can be you, a member of your HR team, someone else in the company or someone external as a consultant or on an interim contract.  If you are the Project Manager, you will need to delegate some of your 'other' work or it is very likely the project timetable will slip or your 'other' work will suffer.  Similarly if it's someone from your team.  A Project Manager does not have to be qualified - it may help if they are - but you/they need to be able to plan, focus, prioritise, trouble shoot, influence/nag others including IT and the vendor and as much as possible, keep calm! 

This website is intended to give you some support throughout your HR Project, with some ideas, links to useful websites and helpful articles. In particular if you are considering implementation of a new or updated HRIS, check out our HRIS summary page and review of basic HRIS choices.

If you want more help, get in contact.  We're HR professionals that have developed some project and IT expertise as we have had to manage our own HR projects when employed and now for external clients.